About Me

I provide Freelance Photography and Video Services

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Today's image was actually shot today.  It's one of my favorite views of the city.  I was aboard the Spirit of Chicago, a floating brunch, lunch and dinner boat. This view is a lot more fun when it's warm outside.  Today it was a nice brisk and windy 14 degrees.  Needless to say not the kind of weather to have bare fingers working a camera.  This was one of those perfect times to use automatic settings on a camera.  Now, I almost never use this, but today for some reason I stepped out on the deck of this boat without my coat so I just went with auto.  I shoot 99% of the time in manual mode. I got lucky and my trusty G11 nailed the shot in auto mode.  I mentioned in an earlier post that I try and keep this camera with me at all times for occasions such as this. That's it for today.

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