About Me

I provide Freelance Photography and Video Services

Thursday, December 1, 2011

All in Sync

Wow, it's December 1st already and another year is almost over. It's officially the holiday season.  This image was taken as part of the series I shoot every year for my own family Christmas cards.  I do this for my clients also.  These are fun shoots and the results have always been great thus far.  This years shoot is coming up soon.  These sessions take anywhere from half hour to an hour.  While the end results are always great cards, the challenge is always getting everyone in the shot looking their best.  Sure they are all smiling now, but give or take a few seconds
prior to this instant and they may have been.... lets just say not smiling. 

I usually use a simple one light off camera flash setup with a softbox or white shoot thru umbrella to make the lighting softer.  Setup is pretty quick and easy.

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