About Me

I provide Freelance Photography and Video Services

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Light, Light and More Light.

Today's image is an on location business portrait for a client. Sometimes these are tough because you never know what kind of light you will have to work with.  The challenge with this shot is the lighting is mixed. There are three kinds of lights available in this shot, window light, room light and flash.  I eliminated one by turning off the room lights. By doing that, I could light her with flash for the main light and use the window light as a back light.  There is one other big challenge going in this room that made this not so easy a task.  The room light is provided by the large window which prevents me from locating the main flash where I normally would because of reflections. Also, due to the time of day and the location of the sun the inside lights were reflecting in that window.  By turning them off it also  solved this problem, but I had to place the main light off wide to camera right  and add a second light off to camera left at a lower power to just accent that side.  Without it, the right side of her face would be in shadow.  I know I went a little technical today but I may expand on that in future posts so stay tuned.  That's it for today.

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