About Me

I provide Freelance Photography and Video Services

Monday, December 31, 2012

Stay Tuned .... sailing back into production in 2013!

Friday, March 23, 2012

The River At Night

Today's image is a night time view due west of the Chicago river.  That's Trump tower dead center.
That's it for today.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Night Street Photography

Today's image is just a little street music. That's it for today, short and sweet.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Dog Day Afternoon

Today's image was shot while just shooting some test shots.  I passed by a car in a parking lot and the back door was open with this little guy just standing there. I took a few shots trying to catch him looking right into the camera, but he wouldn't cooperate.  Kids and animals, sometimes you have to just take what you can get. That's it for today.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Not Today, Not Here, Not This Year

Today's image is what it has looked like some years on today's date.  Today it was actually 84 degrees according to the thermometer in my car.  It was a great day for a motorcycle ride, which I got to enjoy today.  That's it for today, check back tomorrow, you never know what you will see.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Mix and Match Shapes

Today's image is of a hospital addition that just recently opened.  As you can see the design is very interesting in that it mixes geometric shapes. The inside upper floors are designed to bring maximum efficiency and services to the patients.  Needless to say I hope I'm never in need of the services they offer. That's it for today, check back tomorrow, you never know what you will see.

Sundays Missing Post - Street Photography Part 2

Today's missing post from Sunday is just a another street photography image from just west of downtown Chicago. It was easy to just park and take a few shots this day.  Not much else to say.  That's it for this catch up post.